Saturday 31 October 2009

Halloween Hell, Pt. 1: Slaughterhouse Five

It is that time of the year again, a time when kids become free to patrol the streets, knocking indiscriminately on suspecting neighbours doors looking for free shit because its 'that time of the year'. On a similar level, those old enough to go to pubs or clubs hit them up in outfits so outrageous they again have that once a year appeal. Naturally, with the exception of a small handful of people, the vast majority donning such costumes wouldn't be seen dead in them on any other day of the year but that is what makes Halloween so great. The naysayers amongst us could argue that it has become too commercialised or clichéd, and in certain respects, they're correct but who really gives a damn? If you think that shopkeepers or promoters aren't going to take advantage of the fact that this is their one opportunity to exploit a world which loves to dress up in spooky or silly costumes then you need a dose of reality. Just appreciate it for what it is.

In spite of the aforementioned criticisms, this year I am not getting into the spirit of the occasion. I'm not making a stand against "a manipulated consumerist society". Rather, I just don't have the money or creativity to fix up something nifty to go out in. What a shame. Regardless of this factor, if all goes to plan then there are at least three houseparties we could be attending on top of Shine's 14th birthday which the majority of us have a ticket to. With a line-up comprising DJ Sneak, Pendulum and Skream you'd have to be a sucker to miss it. In fact, I'm heavily looking forward to making my return to arguably Belfast's best club night. It should be a messy one.

Some of you may have gotten the reference within the name and others probably didn't. The reason I chose such a title is because of its cultural significance and the fact that it sounds cool and has the word five in it, given that I'm showcasing five songs. I know the original title isn't really related to horror but I couldn't think of anything more witty to put in there. The songs being posted are all related to horror films or just have a spine-chilling quality to them. Most of them you will probably have heard in one shape or another, but give them a download to get yourself hyped for tonight.

John Carpenter - Main Title, Theme From Halloween (I was going to put up the Secret Chiefs 3 rendition but unfortunately it appears they only do it live)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand
Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have
Korn - Dead Bodies Everywhere
The Horrorist - One Night In NYC

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